Why People Read Movie Magazines

There are several magazines on the market that focus on movie news. They tend to be printed and sold on a monthly basis. Some of these publications have been selling regularly for years and even decades.

Some people may be curious as to why these magazines have been so successful. After all, watching movies is a much more enjoyable activity than simply reading about them. There are a number of reasons why movie magazines have such a large audience.

Upcoming Movies

The main purpose of these publications is to inform the reader of new films that are being made. This creates buzz and keeps the reader hooked. Often movie studios will give out exclusive information and images to these magazines so that the general public becomes interested in upcoming films. In this regard they are used to help market motion pictures.


Star power is another important element. The best movie magazines will feature interviews from the actors and filmmakers of Hollywood. If someone is a fan of a particular celebrity they are more likely to buy magazines that feature interviews from them. A common way to sell these mags is by having a well known face on the front cover.


Editors will usually employ critics to write film reviews. This allows readers to get an idea of the quality of recent releases. People like to read these mags in order to decide which movies are worth seeing.


Another good ploy for increasing sales is giving extra add-ons. This can include pull out posters. Readers can then remove these from the magazine and hang them on their walls at home.

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